Dreams Las Mareas
Liberia Airport to Dreams Las Mareas From $129 USD One-Way
Dreams Las Mareas Transportation
LIR Shuttle provides daily transportation from Liberia Airport to Dreams Las Mareas Resort. Travel time is approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes one way. This time could increase depending on traffic and weather conditions. For returns to LIR Airport, plan on leaving at least 4 hours before your flight’s scheduled departure time. Our Liberia Airport shuttle service operates 24/7, 365, so booking early morning departures from the Dreams Las Mareas is not a problem.
E.g., If your flight departs LIR Airport at 1:00 PM, the departure time from Dreams Las Mareas should be no later than 9:20 AM.

The drive there
After exiting the airport, you will drive east towards the city of Liberia, Guanacaste. This is the capital city of the Guanacaste province and a business center for the region. If you wish to stop at a grocery store, this will be the place to do it.
From Liberia City, you will head north on Highway 1. This highway is also known as the “Panamerican Highway” and runs as far north as Alaska. But don’t worry, you will only be on it for about 45 minutes before reaching the town of La Cruz. From La Cruz, it is a narrow country road to Dreams Las Mareas.